• Member publication: Dirk de Graeff and the Opening of Japan

    Dirk de Graeff and the Opening of Japan

    This book by Dr. Herman J. Moeshart treats the history of the Dutch-Japanese relations in the years 1857-1869 and focuses on the Dutch representative in Japan, Dirk de Graeff (Van Polsbroek).  De Graeff was from 1859 Acting Vice Consul at Kanagawa,1863 Political Agent and Consul General and from mid 1867 (titular) Resident Minister. He played an important role in the history of his time and was active in the conclusion of treaties with Japan for Switzerland, Prussia, Belgium, and he concluded the treaties for Denmark and Sweden-Norway.

  • Appel à contributions DocAsie 2019

    19 - 21 juin 2019, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique. 

    Les journées annuelles DocAsie vous proposent d’entrer dans l’univers du web de données et des nouveaux apprentissages… 

    Open data, datalibrarian, data management, web sémantique, Learning center etc…. Autant de concepts qui induisent depuis quelques années une transformation profonde des pratiques mais aussi des espaces des bibliothèques. 

  • Position: C.V. Starr East Asian Library

    Japanese Studies Librarian

    C.V. Starr East Asian Library

    Columbia University Libraries

    The C.V. Starr East Asian Library is one of the major collections for the study of East Asia in the United States with over 840,000 volumes of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tibetan, and Western language materials and over 7,200 periodical titles.

  • Waseda goes global

    Waseda goes global: a plan to build a worldwide academic network that is open, dynamic and diverse
    スーパーグローバル大学創成支援「Waseda Ocean構想」

    フランク・ホーレー研究の基盤と展望 ― 遺品資料活動の未来像

    ワークショップ フランク・ホーレー研究の基盤と展望 ― 遺品資料活動の未来像

    日時:2019年1月25日(金) 16:30~18:15
    会場:戸山キャンパス33号館16階 第10会議室
    講演者:横山學 早稲田大学招聘研究員(ノートルダム清心女子大学名誉教授)
    講演タイトル:「フランク・ホーレー研究の基盤と展望 ―遺品資料活用の未来像」

  • NIJL/EAJRS Kuzushi-ji workshop

    The NIJL/EAJRS Kuzushi-ji workshop, regularly held at various places in Europe since 2011, will take place in Paris in February 2019. The workshop is free of charge. If you wish to apply for the workshop, please fill in the attached application form and send it as an email attachment by 16 December 2018 to the following organizers:


  • 4th Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award

    Call for Application for the “4th Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies”

    1. Objective

    This award has been created to publicly celebrate Professor Josef Kreiner in his remarkable academic efforts to promote Japanese studies in Europe and at Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies (HIJAS). At the same time we want to encourage overseas scholars of Japanese studies and to contribute to further development in this academic field.

  • 2018 conference scholarships

    The European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists (EAJRS) especially wishes to encourage the participation to its conference of resource specialists and young scholars from institutions with limited financial means or that have seldom or never attended an EAJRS conference. Therefore, with support from the Japan Foundation and Toshiba International Foundation, the organizers of the 29th EAJRS conference in Kaunas would like to offer grants, which will include:

    • travel expenses to and from Lithuania up to a maximum of 500 euro

  • Candidates for the board

    At the general assembly in Oslo last year, we invited new candidates for the board. Two members of the association presented themselves to us. In order to become active board members, they have to be confirmed by a simple majority of votes at the next general assembly in Kaunas. All members of the mailing list are members of the EAJRS and hold the right to vote. In order for you to cast an informed vote, the two candidates have written small self-introductions. You can find them here in alphabetical order:

  • Oxford-NINJAL Corpus of Old Japanese (ONCOJ)

    The Oxford-NINJAL Corpus of Old Japanese (abbreviated ONCOJ) is a long-term collaborative research project between the University of Oxford and the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, which is developing a lemmatized, parsed and comprehensively annotated digital corpus of all texts in Japanese from the Old Japanese period.
