Symposium: Building on the 'Digital Shift'

Dear colleagues,

The National Diet Library, Japan (NDL) is holding a symposium "Building on the 'Digital Shift' – Implications for the future in the Library of Congress' new strategic plan" on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at the Tokyo Main Library of the NDL.
* This symposium will be held in-person only. A recorded video will be available on the NDL’s YouTube channel at a later date.

Data set of historical materials related to Japan and the Netherlands during the late Edo period and Meiji period held by the National Archives of the Netherlands



ハーグのオランダ国立文書館(Nationaal Archief)が所蔵する幕末・明治期の日蘭関係史料群について、ヘルマン・ムースハルト(Herman J. Moeshart)氏が作成した史料目録データベースのデータセットを公開しています。使用言語はオランダ語です。収録史料群は、外務省(本省)文書中の対日関係7ファイル、駐日オランダ公使館文書、長崎領事館文書、横浜(総)領事館文書で、それらのマイクロフィッシュが1999~2002年に発売された際に作成されたものです(参考文献参照)


(〈 〉内はデータセット中で使用されている略称)

New information from the NDL

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.

(1) Integration of the NDL Online and NDL Search web services

The NDL plans to integrate two of its current web services: the National Diet Library Online Search and Request Service (NDL Online) and the NDL Search. These two will be launched as a new NDL Search web service in January 2024.
For detailed information of the renewal, please visit the following page.

Job opening: German Institute for Japanese Studies

Job opening: German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ Tokyo)

The German Institute for Japanese Studies in Tokyo is recruiting a full-time librarian. Expected starting date: 1 April 2023. Application
deadline: 20 February 2023.

More information in English (PDF <>) and in Japanese (PDF <>) and on our website <>.

NDL: Survey, Tadao Ando, Books on Japan in foreign languages, Periodical index

Dear Colleagues,

Greetings from the National Diet Library (NDL), Japan.

(1) NDL User Satisfaction Survey of FY2022
From May 6 to October 31, 2022, we are now conducting a user satisfaction survey of FY2022. Your ideas and opinions are important to our library and will help us provide you with the best library services possible. 

URL of the user satisfaction survey of FY2022


Prof Tsuda Mayumi (Keio University) has organized an online symposium in conjunction with the next conference of the Japanese Early Modern Literature Asssociation. The theme might be of interest to some of you: デジタル時代の和本リテラシー古典文学研究と教育の未来.

Date: 2021年6月12日(土)13:30~15:40

Please find all information on the dedicated website:
