Job Opening at the Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies (HIJAS)

The Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies (HIJAS) would like to invite applications, following the below procedure, for the post of Fixed-Term Full-time Researcher.

Detailed information is available on the official website of the HIJAS:

Waseda goes global

Waseda goes global: a plan to build a worldwide academic network that is open, dynamic and diverse
スーパーグローバル大学創成支援「Waseda Ocean構想」

フランク・ホーレー研究の基盤と展望 ― 遺品資料活動の未来像

ワークショップ フランク・ホーレー研究の基盤と展望 ― 遺品資料活動の未来像

日時:2019年1月25日(金) 16:30~18:15
会場:戸山キャンパス33号館16階 第10会議室
講演者:横山學 早稲田大学招聘研究員(ノートルダム清心女子大学名誉教授)
講演タイトル:「フランク・ホーレー研究の基盤と展望 ―遺品資料活用の未来像」

4th Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award

Call for Application for the “4th Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award for International Japanese Studies”

1. Objective

This award has been created to publicly celebrate Professor Josef Kreiner in his remarkable academic efforts to promote Japanese studies in Europe and at Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies (HIJAS). At the same time we want to encourage overseas scholars of Japanese studies and to contribute to further development in this academic field.

Call for Application : 3rd Professor Josef Kreiner Hosei University Award

This award has been created to publicly celebrate Professor Josef Kreiner in his remarkable academic efforts to promote Japanese studies in Europe and at Hosei University Research Center for International Japanese Studies (HIJAS). At the same time we want to encourage overseas scholars of Japanese studies and to contribute to further development in this academic field.

Access to the NDL digital collections from abroad

The efforts to achieve an extended access to the NDL digital collections from abroad have reached a new stage. The draft to change the respective law/regulations has been issued. Currently the Japanese government collects public comments concerning the draft. Please find below Prof. Takeuchi’s email. Prof Takeuchi (Vice-President of Chiba University and NCC’s former Japan liaison) has arranged the meeting of Ms. Noguchi and Mr. Dunkel with the representatives of the Bunkachō last year.

JAL project 2016

The JAL (Japanese Art Librarian) Project Executive Committee at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo is pleased to announce the JAL Project 2016** for inviting, giving training to, and exchanging with, Japanese-art librarians from outside Japan.

JAL project 2014

The JAL* Project Executive Committee at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo is pleased to announce the JAL Project 2014** for inviting, giving training to, and exchanging with, Japanese-art librarians from outside Japan.

*Japanese-art librarian
**Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan in the fiscal 2014

The selected participants will be given training at the related institutions such as the National Art Center, Tokyo; the Nara National Museum and so on, from December 1 to 11, 2014.

Japan specialists workshop 2013 schedule


Organised by: International House of Japan

National Diet Library


(1) 専門家会議「日本専門家育成戦略会議」(非公開)

日時:2013年2月19 日(火)午前9時30分~午後4時











